Seasonal Email Templates
Send your greetings using one of Vincy.com's originally designed Seasonal Emails. It's a quick, interactive and cost effective way to send seasonal best wishes and share important news for the holidays and upcoming year.
Benefits to your business include:
- Standout by sending one of these unique and originally designed templates;
- Enhance relationships by expressing client appreciation;
- Jump-start the New Year by sharing - with your clients/customers - a preview of what's to come;
- Showcase your accomplishments for the year with your clients;
- Inform your customers about seasonal hours or special promotions;
- Include links to additional information on your website;
- A unique and personalized way to send seasonal best wishes;
- It's quick, effective, inexpensive and measurable.
Click Thumbnail for larger view 
Vincy.com's Seasonal Email package includes:
- An Email layout based on your selection of any one of the 5 template designs;
- Personalized greeting to recipients (i.e. Hi Rhonda);
- Your company logo and contact information integrated into the design;
- Your customized message;
- Distribution available for up to 500 recipients* (.06 cents per additional recipient).
*Note: Recipients are defined as email address the client provides, Vincy.com does not supply or sell email address lists.
Note: Order should be received a minimum of 4 business days before the desired send date.
BONUS OFFER: order your package before December 18th, 2010 and receive a Campaign Report absolutely FREE ($250 value).
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